Scholarship Foundation
The Wyandotte Public Schools Scholarship Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, education foundation. It operates autonomously under the direction of a volunteer board of trustees.
What is the Purpose of the Foundation?
Private citizens/volunteers, raise funds through donations/fundraisers, for scholarships for Wyandotte RHS graduates. Scholarship money is directed to many of our students, who need financial assistance or incentive to make advanced education a reality.
Who Runs the Foundation?
The Foundation is not part of the School District; volunteers from the community plan the activities and raise the funds for the scholarships. Criteria may be attached to some scholarships, such as science or health-care, business or legal, and so on, depending on the wishes of the contributor. When the exact amount is known for the school year, an independent committee of educators select deserving candidates for these scholarships.
How Much Money is Involved?
- Over $1,600,000 in scholarships have been awarded since the Foundation’s inception in 1989.
- More than 1,500 students have received financial assistance toward further education.
- Scholarship endowment accounts contain over $600,000.
- Earnings on investments, fundraisers and donations support the scholarships.
- 99.9% of funds raised and/or donated are used to directly fund scholarships.
Reasons to Contribute to the Foundation
- Honor someone who has passed away (i.e. “In Memory of” card is sent to family).
- Give through payroll deduction (e.g. School District employee).
- Donate any amount via cash or check.
- Allocate a donation to a special or specific request (e.g. special area, college).
- Participate in an annual Golf Outing, held the first Saturday in June.
- Help with PTO fund-raiser and the naming of 5th and 8th graders to receive scholarship on graduation.
- Purchase Roosevelt High School collectible replica at the Wyandotte Museum.
- Purchase engraved brick in Wyandotte Walk of Honor as a gift for alumni, employee (retiree, grad., friend, family)Other publicized events.
- Other publicized events.
How to Contribute to the Foundation
Monetary contributions support the Foundation's investment in our children. Contributions are tax deductible.
To contribute to the Foundation, mail a check to:
WPS Scholarship Foundation
PO Box 412
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Contact Information
For more information or to contact a member of the Foundation Board of Directors call Patty Gray at 734-759-6007 or email
Patrick Sutka
Vice President
Suzanne Figurski
Joseph Daly
Dr. James Anderson
Jamie Churches
The Honorable Elizabeth DiSanto
Rose Angela Gronda
Joseph Gruber
Theresa Crnkovich
Christina Mullins
Joseph Palamara
Benjamin Reynolds
Kelly Stec
Ron Thomas
Member Emeritus
Conrad Kreger