Contact Information
Brandy Nusser, Director of Finance
Tressah Isham, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Finance
- Free and reduced meal applications/determinations
- Property and casualty insurance
- Invoicing
- Building and room reservations
- Work related injuries and disability claims
- Life insurance information and claims
- Unemployment
- Student accident reports
- US Mail
Sherrena Yakowich, Accountant
- Budget allocations and amendments
- Budget analysis and special reports
- Adjusting journal entries
- Grant allocations
- Banking information
- Smart Data - password resets and privileges
Bridget Waara, Payroll
- Payroll information
- TSA questions and information
- TDP-Tax deferred payment information
- Direct deposit
- W-2
- W-4 tax withholding
- Name and address changes
- e-Employee questions
Diane Fisher, Accounts Payable & Benefits
- Purchase order information
- Vendor information
- Check requests
- Vendor payment history
- Employee benefits/forms (Medical, dental, vision)